The expensive beaches don’t stop

Summer has arrived and the bathing season has already begun: the sunbeds and umbrellas are reopened and, with them, also the wallets of the Italians who, again this year, have to face it. the increase in costs for beaches which, compared to 2023, is about 5% (with peaks of 10% for some services).

It is informed by Onfthe national observatory Consumers Federation which concluded (with the collaboration of the Foundation Iscon) check the prices paid for beach services in 2024, also taking a look at the latest news and trends.

Expenditure items: which go up and which (surprisingly) go down

Summer 2024 it promises to be expensive for the life of the beach: in fact, the price of the hotel increases bed (+8%) and of lounger (+7%), back in fashion among the preferences of Italian bathers.

But these are not the most significant increase compared to 2023. In fact, the costs for renting vehicles are increasing significantly. canoe, above e pedal boat (10%), among the favorite activities for sea life as they are fun and able to test sports skills.

Surprisingly and against the trend, however, the price ofseasonal subscription which, decreasing among the preferences of Italians, registered a -2%.

In any case, indulge a week under the umbrella will cost on average 4% more compared to the last bathing season with a trend of increasing prices that has now been a constant in recent years.

The note of Federconsumatori

Faced with a constant increase in prices for the beach seasons, Federconsumatori has posted a note in which he makes it known that “the narrowness of family budgets, combined with the general increase in travel costs, especially with reference to transport, pushes citizens to opt for cheaper solutions, such as shorter use of the beach service: in fact, there are many beaches that offer happy hour formulas or half day, for those who want to enjoy the comfort of the establishment after 2 pm or only in the morning (paying up to half of the costs applied for the whole day). There are also other strategies and applications used to save money, which allow you to make the equipment available to other people at a discounted price for the period or hours in which you are not present on the beach.”.

What’s new for 2024

As mentioned, the survey carried out by the National Observatory Consumers Federationin addition to the price increase, it also highlighted the news and fashion of the current season.

And, in this sense, we first find the “all inclusive packages“, which allow you to combine several services, i.e. beach, SUP or canoe rental, lunch and aperitif, with prices that can fluctuate between 35 and 50 euros depending on the menu, the row of umbrellas and the day chosen (half of week or during the day).weekend).

Finally, even for 2024, there is no lack of new services dedicated in particular to take care of yourself et al welfare: Pilates and yoga classes on the beach, access to hot tubs and massages are the most popular. The ONF also monitored the costs of these services, revealing peaks of +11% for massages and +14% for entry to the dog area.


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