Almost 4 out of 10 French people think they don’t need it

Every year, between 141,200 and 243,500 cases of skin cancers are diagnosed in France, according to Public Health France. Unreasonable exposure to natural and artificial UV rays is to blame in 85% of cases.

To limit the risks of skin cancer, the National Union of Dermatologists-Veneologists reminds every year the behaviors to adopt to enjoy the sun without danger through its summer campaign.Save your skin “. But in reality, this message of awareness seems to have difficulty getting through: a handful of diehards persist in believing that slathering on sunscreen is a useless gesture: “39% of the French think they can do without because “they don’t” . it’s not really needed,” reveals the latter barometer of the Federation of Beauty Companies (Febea), published on June 27, 2024. An oversight that arrives 46% among men and young people from 25 to 34 years old.

The survey highlights a paradox: the risks of exposure to UV rays for health may be well known by the general public (9 out of 10 French people are aware of it), this awareness of the dangers of the sun collides with the reality: at sea. or near a swimming pool, only 43% of respondents reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or more, despite the advice. And 21% of men never do it…

This nonchalance regarding sun protection is also felt when sunbathing on the terrace or in the garden: only 69% of respondents apply sun care at least once during the day. This survey tends to show that many preconceived ideas are hard to believe when it comes to sun protection, as Febea points out. We review them.

In the shade, they are protected from UV rays

Sitting under a parasol or on a shaded terrace protects you from the sun… But not completely. In reality, shadow research provides limited protection against it ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB). It is still possible to catch the sun in the shade due to reverberation: UVB rays (responsible for skin and sun tanning) can bounce off UV reflective surfaces such as sand, water, grass, soil. “In the shade, we also have less risk of getting a sunburn,” says Dr. Ewa Guigné, dermatologist, joined by Notre Temps. However, in general, if you have fragile skin (if you have exhausted solar capital, if you have a very light phototype, etc.) or if you have a history of skin cancer, Applying sunscreen remains a must in the summer, even in the summer. the shadow

If I put on SPF 50+ sunscreen, I’m “ready” for the day

A single application is not enough to protect the skin for the day. Whatever the sun protection index (or SPF, sun protection factor), even if the highest SPF 50+ is used, it is necessary. to reapply sunscreen (which protects against UVA and UVB rays) every two hours.

A 50+ sunscreen protects me 100% from UV rays

The full screen does not exist: the SPF50+ protection index offers protection close to the 98% effective against UVB. In two conditions: apply enough (we tend to see the hand too light) and repeat the application every two hours.

Sunscreen: I’m tanned, can I take a lower protection factor

false Tanning is not a parameter to take into account when looking for adequate sun protection.
Is it skin phototype (there are 6, from very light to very dark, determined by the color of the skin, eyes and hair), regardless of the tan, which determines the most suitable protection index for you. For example, very white skin needs a sun protection factor (SPF50+).

Sun protection: in the car, I am protected from UV rays

Error! The interior of the car offers relative protection from the sun. UVA rays pass through windows.

As a reminder, these UV rays penetrate the deep layers of the skin, and promote oxidative stress.premature aging of the skin, causing wrinkles. Like UVB, they can also promote the appearance of skin cancers.

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