it is possible to reduce the risk, here is how according to a general practitioner

Today, the risk of stroke has become increasingly common. Faced with the danger of this type of accident, a general practitioner highlighted some tips to reduce the risk.

According to INSERM, there are more than 140,000 cases ofhit in our country. Typically, the average age of people who develop a heart attack is 74 years, but it is possible to have a heart attack up to the age of 50. This health problem is a real danger, because it is the leading cause of death among women in our country. Therefore, it seems important to find ways and means to protect us from him and it is in this logic that a general practitioner made some recommendations.

How to reduce the risk of developing a heart attack?

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

We don’t do a Night race. In fact, this type of accident is the result of health problems that precede it, in particularhigh blood pressure. High blood pressure, obesity and diabetes are important factors in stroke. To avoid being in one of these situations, you can easily limit the risk of having a heart attack. Similarly, you should have a healthy lifestyleas general practitioner Angela Rai explains. She recommends having “A diet low in sodium, fat and sugar”because it is beneficial for health. Eating well is therefore essential for limit the risk of having a heart attack specify Marie Claire.

Practice physical activity regularly

Exercise regularly allows you to maintain good health. It is also an effective way to reduce the risk of having a heart attack. When we talk about exercise, it is not about playing a sport with the intensity of a professional. On the contrary, it involves practicing physical activity quite often, such as walks swimming or a little cycling. Also, be careful not to consume alcohol only occasionally within the recommended limits otherwise your physical efforts risk being reduced to nothing.

Act as soon as possible

Eating a healthy diet and exercising can reduce the risk of having a heart attack, even more so when combined. For the health professional Angela Raiyou need to act as soon as possible and start in your twenties or thirties. Of course, the risk of having a heart attack at this age is very low, but it is still preferable exercise caution. If you want to know if you are at risk, you can do a blood test to find out if this is the case.

Some useful information about stroke

The different types of blow

A stroke can be caused by a blocked artery or bleeding. In the first case, we are talking about a Ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction and in the second case of a hemorrhagic stroke. Cerebral infarction represents 85% of cases reported in France and can be caused either by a plaque rich in cholesterol (cerebral thrombosis) or by a blood clot (cerebral embolism). theHemorrhagic stroke it is most often caused by a ruptured aneurysm. Alongside these two forms of stroke can be added TIA (transient ischemic attack). It has the same symptoms as a stroke, but only lasts a few minutes at most. In the sense of Ministry of Health this is a warning that should not be taken lightly.

The consequences of cardiovascular diseases

U deadly diseases are the most feared by humans and stroke is one of them. As a reminder, stroke is the leading cause of death among women in our country. When the accident does not kill its victim, it leaves them with effects that are sometimes difficult to reverse, especially the total or partial paralysisloss of motor skills and aphasia.

The existence of treatment

Fortunately, there are treatments to help overcome a cerebral accident. To the extent that you are a victim of a cerebral infarctiondoctors will prescribe tPA to dissolve the blood clot and restore normal blood circulation in the brain. However, we must act very quickly, because once a person has a stroke, it is a race against time that begins. Reason why it is important to be tested first and act preventively.

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