here is the most contaminated rice to avoid absolutely, according to 60 million consumers

60 million consumers have analyzed 40 references of rice packages, very popular in France, in search of traces of pesticides.

For many years, pesticides have been widely used in the agricultural sector around the world. Unfortunately, they contaminate the fruits and the vegetables, and can be very dangerous for our health and for the environment. In addition to fruits and vegetables, other very common foods are not spared. As revealed 60 million consumers the rice found in supermarkets is also highly exposed to pesticides.

Pesticide residues present in 15 rice references

In January 2024, 60 million consumers revealed the results of his investigation into 40 rice references. Thus, the varieties most consumed in France were analyzed, among which 14 packages of basmati, 10 of Thai and 6 of long wheat and Camargue were screened. Among these packages analyzed, we find national brands, as well as distributor brands.

“Unsurprisingly, we found pesticide residues in fifteen products, or more than a third of our panel. In total, nine different substances were detected”noticed 60 million consumers on his site. Fortunately, “No one exceeds their maximum residue limit…when it exists”, adds the magazine. These thresholds are usually set by the European Commission for each substance according to the crop concerned.

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What type of rice is most contaminated?

According to 60 million consumersthe results are catastrophic for the basmati rice non-organic, which is the most polluted. “For India, the main producing country along with Pakistan, basmati rice represents a very profitable product. Fifteen years ago, producers added more productive varieties and pushed towards a more intensive rice culture that used pesticides.”specifies Delphine Marie-Vivien, researcher at CIRAD, to the magazine.

As the magazine shows in its table dedicated to basmati rice, four references have a rating below average. This is the bag of Saint-Éloi, sold by Intermarché, rated 9/20, as well as Ben’s, Vivien Paille and U Basmati rice, all three having obtained the poor rating of 8/20.

According to 60 million consumers, these packets of rice contain potentially harmful molecules. Two molecules are considered at risk for humans. This is tebuconazole, which is a “fungicide and plant growth regulator”and cypermethrin, “a powerful insecticide”. These substances are classified as “potentially carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction” from the French Agency for Health Security (ANSES) and the European Chemicals Agency (Echa). In other words, to avoid pesticide residues, it is better to opt for organic basmati rice and Camargue rice, which do not contain it.

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