Here are the events to discover excellence

Here are the events to discover excellence

Italy, as we know, is a country where the wine It’s good, actually: our winegrowers, from the North to the South, are renowned throughout the world for the excellence that we produce and export internationally, from Barolo to Chianti, from Amarone to Franciacorta (but the Italian team has many other flagships!). That is why, of … Read more

Italy’s answer to the problem of overtourism

Italy’s answer to the problem of overtourism

The echo of the phenomenon of overtourism, which has exploded in recent months as never before in Italy, has now crossed national borders, attracting attention at the international level. The massive influx of tourists, that is put historic centers to the testbeaches and the most sought-after countries, has raised a chorus of concern in the … Read more

According to the Times, these are alternative destinations to Venice “but without the crowds”

According to the Times, these are alternative destinations to Venice “but without the crowds”

If all eyes are on Venice, The Times recommends two alternative destinations in Italy “without the crowds”. The London newspaper dedicated a long article to Ravenna and Comacchio, defining them the “secret” alternatives in Venicebut without being crowded. From the article of one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world emerges the beauty of … Read more