We now know the foods that accelerate aging

To stay young, you must focus on a healthy lifestyle, which involves exercising and eating well. Regarding nutrition, did you know that there are foods that accelerate the aging process? Check out our selection of foods that make you look older.

Although aging is a natural and inevitable phenomenon, it is possible delay focusing on a healthy lifestyle. From skin care to the practice of a sporting activity through a good diet, without forgetting a bit of surgery, all these options aim to slow down the aging of the skin. However, the choice of food remains the factor with a direct impact on senescence. It is with this in mind that Dr. Christophe Jaeger, medical researcher, has established a list of known foods accelerate cellular aging.

These foods accelerate aging


Sugar tops the list of foods that accelerate the aging process. It should be consumed in moderation, since it increases the blood sugar and leads to the phenomenon of glycation. The latter may have adverse effects on collagen fibers and elastin that make up the skin. Excessive consumption of sugar, the skin can lose its elasticityits tone and allows the appearance of wrinkles. The expert does not rule out having fun, but recommends it make up for excesses from a great sports session. Specifically, these are snacksfoods such as bread, cakes, candies, soda.

Saturated fats

In the second position, the saturated fatsThese affect the blood vessels, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and therefore ages the skin. On this last point, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of butter, milk, cheese, fatty meats and biscuits. In addition, it is recommended to limit the consumption of all processed products rich in saturated fats such as pastries and chips. Dr. Christophe Jaeger advises the practice of regular sports activities to rev up your metabolism.


Alcohol tires the body, dehydrates it and is toxic to the brainliver and nerves. Consumed in excess, it becomes dangerous for metabolism due to its transformation into sugar. “People who are used to drinking two glasses of red wine a day expose themselves to an overload of sugar which is not good.”underlines the expert. Therefore, they accelerate the aging process and theappearance of pathologies potentially fatal, reports The women’s journal.

Salty and spicy foods

Salt and spicy foods also promote cellular aging. Salt is the cause water retentiondehydrates the body and is the cause of heavy legs such as hypertension. The daily dose should not be exceeded is 2 grams per day. As for spicy foods, they can dilate the blood vessels and make the skin red, blotchy and accentuate senescence.

The list of foods that slow down aging

Foods rich in vitamin C and E

While there are foods that accelerate aging, on the contrary, others help to better resist the passage of time. Among these foods, those rich in vitamin C such as black currants, peppers and kiwi contribute to keeps the skin soft and firm and promote the collagen production. The youth of the skin also depends on its hydration and in this sense, avocado, blueberry and tomato are fruits antioxidants that help you look younger.

Omega 3

Omega 3 has many virtues. They are not only known for their benefits for the heart, but also contribute toget a nice firm skin even after fifty. Omega 3 play an important role in moisturizing the skin and reducing the breakdown of collagen. They also protect from UV rays like this Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid. They are found in salmon, sardines, herring.

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