This is the time you have to go to bed to avoid the risks of the blow after 50, according to researchers

A restful sleep is essential for health, especially after 50 years. Researchers identified the ideal time to go to bed to reduce the risk of sudden.

The one’s sleep is an essential element for our health and our welfare. I am But you know the time you are in bed can have a significant impact in your risk of Avc After 50 years? Researchers have performed a study to determine the ideal time to go to bed and reduce this risk. Results are enlightening and could encourage to modify your sleep habits.

Here’s ideal time to sleep to prevent the risks of the shot

A serious disease

The shot is a large threat that can happen without alert signs. Although it is difficult to provide, many risk factors are identified, including thehigh blood pressuresmoking and diabetes. But other less known factors can also play a role, as the duration Father’s qualityas long as the time you sleep in the evening. Indeed, factors as a Too long sixth Or sleep little to the night promotes the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and particularly a shot.

A survey performed in 7 days

Researchers made a massive study to determine the ideal time to go to bed. They follow more than 88,000 participants of 61 on average for 7 days, recording their hours of sleep and wake up. Results reveal a bond between sleeping time and risk of a cardiovarular disease, with more than 3000 cases reporting in a period of 6 years.

Ideal bed

How to adjust your time to Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Adjust your reading to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Then The women’s newspaper Experts should go to bed between 11 and midnight to minimize risks. Set a regular routine of sleep and avoid screens before bedtime. Create a relaxing and relaxing sleep environment. By adding your Rotttime You can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve your overall health.

Advice for a better cardovascular health better

The importance of maintaining a regular pace

Hold the Rhythm looking regular is essential for your health. Your inner biological rocker rule body functions, including your sleep, your appetite and energy. A Rhythmronized pace rhythm May cause sleep, the fatigue, metabolism and also cardiovascular disease problems. To maintain a regular regular rhythm, establish a daily routine, exposes to the natural light and avoid the screens before sleeping.

Other things to take into account to prevent cardiovascular disease

In addition to sleeping, many other factors should be considered to prevent the cardiovascular diseases. I am A equilurian diet, rich in fruit, gratic vegetables, isessenz. Regular physical exercise, as a walk or cycling, helps maintain healthy blood pressure. Also avoid tobacco, alcohol and processed products. I am Finally, run your stress and keeping the full weight are also key factors to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Women are more likely

The researchers discovered that people who sleep in more than 23 hours were the most likely to develop a shot (tight). Also find the risk of carved carracy increased by 25% for people who dormant about midnight, by 12% for those who sleep between 2h and 3 hours. People with the blood group they No more risk of making a shot. I am Women are particularly exposed to the cause of the reaction of their Endocrine system to a disturbance of the pace searching.

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