the best advice from an oncologist, to better deal with the announcement of the diagnosis

You had doubts, symptoms then an examination revealed an anomaly and then the doctor told you that you have cancer. The announcement of a diagnosis is a difficult time, here are some tips that will help you deal better with this test.

The diagnosis of cancer is, in most cases, a shock for the person concerned. Indeed, it is completely normal for you to be worried when you hear the news, because you are called to face many emotions, uncertainties and questions. The person concerned thinks directly about this disease, which is always associated with the fear of dying, treatments enough heavy, to the changes that the disease involves in his life and he wonders how to get there. A specialist gives you advice to help you deal with the news of a cancer diagnosis.

Announcing a cancer diagnosis: patient perspectives

A challenge for the caregiver and the patient

The announcement of bad news in oncology is a challenge and a stress both for the doctor and the patient. Faced with such an announcement, the person concerned may have different reactions. The patient can become very angry, synonymous rebellion to the fact that it is to him that such evil happens. This reaction can turn into aggression towards the health professional. It can also happen that the patient withdraws into himself opting for sadness or despair.

Afraid to die

These various emotional reactions they are the result of one of the strongest feelings which is the anxiety of death. Some theories in psychology teach us that all the anxiety of the human being is diverted towards the fear of dying. However, many patients want to know theirs diagnosis and his prognosis. According to the code of ethics, the announcement must be made via clear, fair and adequate information. This is an important condition to help the patient make their own choices. If it is the cancer be you for example, adopting certain habits can be helpful.

The patient: a subject in his own right

The announcement of the disease is a very significant moment for the patient even if in most cases, he suspects what awaits him before his interview with the caregiver. It is long before the announcement of the diagnosis that the patient goes through a period of worries that is characterized by symptoms, numerous medical examinations and waiting for the results. This moment of waiting or lack of information can lead to fear of what will be announced. After cancer screening it matters severity of illnessthe patient wants to be respected and informed.

The announcement of cancer: here’s how to cope with the shock of the diagnosis

Accept and express your emotions

When faced with a cancer diagnosis, the patient’s first reaction is often denial. U ill he refuses to believe it is true. In any case, this reaction is normal, because it is a natural defense mechanism that allows the person concerned to protect himself very painful truth. It is therefore legitimate to feel fear, sadness, anger, despair, disgust and even guilt. These emotional reactions are proof that you are aware of what is happening to you. Accept the situation, express what you feel, do not repress them.

Get information to better understand cancer

Very often, the diagnosis of cancer is accompanied by a series ofmedical information, even if they are sometimes difficult to understand. It is therefore recommended to know about the disease, its type, its stage, possible treatments and his Side effects, healing possibilities and more. To facilitate your search for information on the cancer, just search the internet sites. The different information will help you better face what awaits you and keep control of the situation. Don’t hesitate to ask your oncologist or yours any questions doctoradvises Dr. Ivan Pourmir in the magazine Doctismo.

Be accompanied during the announcement

Being diagnosed with cancer is a test that cannot be experienced alone. For this purpose, it is essential to be accompanied by your loved ones, because they can provide you with support, listening, comfort and practical help. You can also contact the health professionals such as psychologists, dieticians or physiotherapists who, thanks to treatments it will help you preserve your quality of life. Another way to benefit from support is to join support groups or participate in workshops and activities related to cancer.

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