Wait approach and with him, transit issues. Discover guilty foods that disrupt your digestion and try to avoid finding things balance and life without bloating or pain.
By the fifties, the body begins to undergo changes. The accelerate life rhythms, the eating habitss evolution and body functions are beginning to change. This is how the problems of short or slow transit such as stitles, bloating or abdominal pain can appear, annoying our daily lives. What are the factors that influence these changes and how to prevent you from retrieving healthy and balanced digestion? We have reveals everything to you.
Transit issues after 50 years: Cause
Hormonal and metabolic changes
With age, the hormonal and metabolic changes can affect digestion. Decrease the hormone of the hormone as the testosterone and estrogen can slow the metabolism and promote a reduction in a intestinal motility. Also, insulin resistance may increase, causing fluctuations in blood sugar levels. These changes favor the appearance of transit problems as stitypus, bloating and abdominal pain. It is essential to understand these changes to fit your diet and its life of life. I am
Changes to the digestive system
With age, thedigestive system Under the changes they affect the digestion. The intestinal mucosa can be reduced, resulting in a decrease in the surface ofabsorption of nutrients. I am Also, the intestine muscles can lose the tone and slow down the food transit. Digestive glands, as bile blades, can also produce less bile and enzymes and make digestion less. These changes can cause transit issues and nutritional deficiencies.
Importance of a whole life mode
Life style plays an important role in the digestive health. I am A rich diet in processed, low food in essential fibers and nutrient leads to problems Transit disturbances. I am Inre, the lack of physical exercise also slows the intestinal transit function. Chronic stress affects intestinal flora and promote the appearance of digestion problems. Further, life styles habits, as Lifestyle style, can also contribute to the transit and digestive health issues.
Food to avoid prevent transit problems after 50 years
Non–solutable fiber food
The one’s Non–solutable fiber foodas a raw, large grains and large skinned fruit, are hard to impair after 50 years. The non–solible fibers are not broken by digestive enzymes and can irritate the bowel, causing bloating, gases and abdominal pains. Then Medisite It is advisable to consume these cooks cooked or pure to make them easier to digest.
Fat and difficult foods to digest
The one’s red meatthe rich fries and the fried prodrces and latch products can test the digestive system after 50 years. Digestion of these fat food requires more enzymes and bilies, causes Transit issuesBloating and abdominal bear. It is recommended to consume these foods in moderation and accompany with vegetables and fruit to facilitate digestion.
Foods that can cause bloating and gas
The one’s Legumsas the Beans and it Lensescontain complex sugar that are difficult to digest. Broccoli and cauliflower are crucified, these food also cause bloating Due to their compound content of the sudden. It is recommended to consume in moderate quantities and accompany them with yeast or probiotics to facilitate their digestion.