Tap water or bottled water? Here’s what’s best for your blood pressure according to a study

With the extreme heat that is raging, staying hydrated remains the best solution to compensate for the loss of water in the body. In any case, between tap water and bottled water, which is considered good for maintaining good health. We will tell you everything.

Water is life and this is even more true during heat wave. Impossible to do without it, because we need to compensate for water losses. In general, the body of an adult should contain on average 65% water. However, which water is most suitable for human consumption? Bottled or tap water, which contains less components harmful to the body Hi ? To this question, we provide some answers, according to this study.

What water for blood pressure?

Studies to determine which water is good for your health

Scientists from the private Danube University in Austria conducted a study on healthy subjects. These volunteers were made up of men and women and for a few days, the participants to this analysis was necessary drink tap water and avoid consuming those in plastic or glass bottles. After exactly 30 days, their blood pressure, measured at the beginning of the experiment, was analyzed again at the end of the study.

The various reactions of the volunteers

The women’s journal notification that the results of this analysis have been published in the journal Microplasticsa journal of the medical department of the private Danube University. They indicate a decrease in diastolic pressure in all these subjects after the single tap water consumption. A more visible result in female subjects, in which we noted a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure after their deprivation ofwater in a plastic bottle.

The results after a plastic bottle water diet

From this study, it seems that the presence of phthalates, a chemical used by industries, effective in making flexible plastic, could penetrate water bottles of the same material. These particles it can thus be found in water and pass into the blood, once consumed. In the body, phthalates interact with blood vessels and blood cells, causing a reaction that can increase blood pressure.

The choice of water, according to this study

To confirm this study, a wider analysis should be carried out with a strict control of the concentration of these particles in the blood. However, according to these students, the tap water does not contain it microplastic. The same cannot be said about bottled water, which more than half of it contains, a situation considered as the scandal. Running water could therefore be recommended to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Particles in water in plastic bottle

Many brands tested

Another study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. According to this study, drinking a sip of water from a plastic bottle means consuming particles. This is the conclusion reached by some scientists, after many tests popular brands in the market. The authors of this observation used lasers to count on average 240,000 pieces of plastic para liter of water. According to this study, the type of particles most found in the samples is nylon followed by polyethylene terephthalate.

Which water is the least risky?

Drinking tap water also means being exposed to potential contaminants. Numerous studies have discovered the presence of various residue in running water in some places. These polluting Although it is lower than the current standards, they still worry scientists, because they could have certain carcinogenic characteristics. As for water in plastic bottles, you should be careful and drink only when the risks of dehydration are higher than the exposure to nanoplastics.

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