Enjoy the Acropolis of Athens with a private tour

If there is a symbolic place of Greece it isAcropolis of Athensthe magnificent sacred city that overlooks the four absolute masterpieces of Greek art, namely the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to Athena Parthenos, protector of the city, the temple of Athena Nike, built in 420 BC and the smallest structure in the area with 27 meters of length and 18 of width, the Erechtheion, a temple. with an asymmetrical plan and delicate forms, and the Propylaea or the monumental access.

But they are not only wonders: they are worth admiring Theater of Herod Atticus always used for exciting shows, the sight of the Theater of Dionysusthe ancient foundations of Ancient temple of Athena Poliàs and the Acropolis Museum in the Makryianni district.

In short, it’s about a truly unique and extraordinary place UNESCO heritage, which overlooks the Ilissos valley from the rocky promontory at 156 meters above sea level, one of those destinations to see at least once in a lifetime. And, today, there is a new way to fully appreciate its beauty and characteristics: a private tour with which “luxury is not cheap”.

The private visit of the Acropolis of Athens

In fact, treat yourself to the private tour”The Acropolis experience” outside the crowds of tourists, only, without having to respect the usual opening hours and wait endless hours at the ticket office, there is a price: 5000 euros for an excursion.

It is the new initiative promoted by the Hellenic Heritage and reserved for groups of maximum of five peoplewith opening hours ranging from 7 am to evening even after 8 pm The perfect opportunity, therefore, to fully enjoy the authentic expression of the architectural style of Ancient Greece, to have the wonderful complex monumental “all for yourself” and can. to see the sunrise or sunset over the city skyline from a privileged point of view.

As mentioned, the exclusive service is only available for 4 groups of up to 5 people at a time and include one. personal tour guide and a precious souvenir, an authorized reproduction of a Greek artifact that will allow you to continue to taste classical antiquity even at home.

On the official site it is possible to book a visit from July 12 and then Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. The principle is that which is already followed elsewhere, for example at Palace of Versailles where private tours are organized for 1000 euros per group.

A real tourist boom

The opportunity to enjoy a private tour of the Acropolis is part of a context in which the Athenian symbol (built in the 5th century BC) is increasingly “attacked” by tourists, especially by those arriving on board of cruise ships.

In fact, looking at the summer of 2023, we can see how, on some days, they were up to 23,000 visitors causing endless lines at the entrance and representing a sign of the overtourism that affects Greece.

Last year, thus, the Athenian Acropolis registered a record number with almost four million total number of tourists and an increase of more than 31% compared to 2022, to the point that the ODAP had to establish time slots to try to stop the flow: the visit to the most visited monument in the country is now limited to 20,000 people per day. , with reservations required.

As a rule, the Acropolis is open to the public every day from 08:00 to 20:00. The normal entrance ticket costs 20 euros while the one integrated with other sites costs 30 euros.

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